Krakatoa The Last Days ~ Kedokteran dan Kesehatan

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Krakatoa The Last Days

Krakatoa The Last Days
August 26, 1883,. Rogier Verbeek, the Dutch scientists who conduct research on Montain Krakatoa and living eruption of Krakatoa. Verbeek collect the stories from the people who live on the mountain erupted. He lives of thousands who did not live. He live in Indonesia, one of many volcano Krakatoa.
Before the natural disaster, nature has actually told him, like animal behavior cats, dogs, and birds suddenly went flying. For the first time before the explosion in August 1883, issued on 20 May Krakatoa smoke very much. Earthquakes are common in the area around Krakatoa before the explosion on August 26, 1883.
Verbeek himself said when Krakatoa first remove smoke so much (May 20, 1883): "I did not know at that time what the volcano, the explosion is signaled. Far below the earth, the magma was looking for a way to the surface. Only a matter of time before it came out. "
Johanna Beyerinck a wife Dutch leaders in the coastal village ketimbang in Lampung named Willem Beyerinck, he has felt no good will happen before the massive explosion of Krakatoa in August 1883, ranging from earthquakes that frequently occur.
The night before the explosion that occurred on August 25,1983 , after a puppet show that tells the story of the eruption of Krakatoa, Johanna spoke to Verbeek that as scientists learn more about volcanoes, talking about signaled the eruption of Krakatoa. Just like when Johanna spoke to her husband who did not consider. On the other side of the family at the lighthouse tower had felt no good will happen unusual. The incident also created the momentum to collect money, made travel for Europeans to look near at the time of Krakatoa. People around the volcano Krakatoa regarded smoke released when it is not dangerous, they are still doing work activities around the coast 30 miles from Krakatoa. Likewise with Beyerinck Willem, who are responsible for the coastal areas in Ketimbang, more concerned with business as Dutch officials rather than listen to his wife complained that feel something are  going to happen to Krakatoa.
Finally unwanted disaster occurre in the coastal village ketimbang. On the day of the eruption occurred, the people there were having a celebration of the opening of the market, and when the first explosion of Krakatoa. The tsunami destroyed the first heading north Bank Cotton (Ketimbang), untold thousands life killed instantly. After that people who live trying  go to higher places like hill or mountain.
Then on the second day of 27 August explosion more terrible than the day before, in the area near Krakatoa sun barely visible, the eruption continued to increase throughout the night. Bang came up to hundreds of miles, after 20 hours of continuous eruption, the magma chamber is empty and mountain Krakatoa collapsed. The explosion was heard in the amount of up to 3000 miles Australia, the noisy voice in history. Millions of tons of ash and pumice was spilled into the sea and triggered a tsunami more destroying. Family in the mercusuar tower affected by tsunami so that the tower mercusuar collapsed. Even, ships crossing group was exposed to ash and try hard to clean the ash because it make build ships out of balance. And the captain turned the ship is heading toward Krakatoa to avoid tsunami higher. In addition, the family of Willem Beyerinck and people who have go to the area higher still affected by hot ash (wedus gembel) which quickly destroy everything up to the area. And the day is the culmination of a disaster of Krakatao. 


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